

Archive for the tag “Discovery”

More Clay Less Plastic!



Proud to be a potter 🙂  http://www.handthrownbottles.com

Bernie Acknowledges Truth

MSNBC Town Hall: The BEST Line Was…






Bernie Sanders | The Young Turks Interview (FULL)

“The media is an arm of the ruling class of this country. And they want to talk about everything in the world except THE most important issues –because if you talk about real issues, and people get educated on the real issues –you know what happens next??  They actually may want to bring about change…”

Bernie Sanders

Women in Politics: Who is Running 2016?

Thanks ROB BREZSNY for posting, And tx nymag.com for the article, thanks @annfriedman

“There are currently 27 women in the running for the U.S. Senate, and 216 are vying for U.S. House seats.”


Whole excerpt of what Rob Brezsny had to say on FB which grabbed me –and I could not agree more :

“Nobody’s saying much about all of the other women running for office right now.

There are currently 27 women in the running for the U.S. Senate, and 216 are vying for U.S. House seats. Plus six women running for governor. Not all of them will win their primaries to make it to the ballot in November. But there are hundreds of women campaigning right now. You’re just not hearing much about them.

The silence is a shame, because in 2016 we could see a record-breaking number of women elected to the Senate. There are nine pro-choice Democratic women running for Senate this year, most of whom have a good shot at election.

Compare that to the supposedly watershed “Year of the Woman” in 1992, which only saw four women senators elected. And, this year, four of the nine contenders are women of color, which is huge because only two women of color have ever, in history, been elected to the Senate.”


When Art Is an Act of Survival


Melissa Broder of So Sad Today finds solace in Ernest Becker’s The Denial of Death and in her own creative process.

By Heart is a series in which authors share and discuss their all-time favorite passages in literature. See entries from Karl Ove Knausgaard, Jonathan Franzen, Amy Tan, Khaled Hosseini, Franz Kafka and more





Wanna Learn About the #Bern?!


Brunch with Bernie:  Plenty on YouTube



Where you are is exactly where you need to be

Trust the timing of your life. 


Where I am is exactly where I need to be. I trust the timing of my life!


Cracking the Codes: The System of Racial Inequity







The Allegory of the Cave ~ Plato

The Laughing Heart

If your life feels grey, this Bukowski poem read by Tom Waits will breathe life back into you



If your life feels grey, this Bukowski poem read by Tom Waits will breathe life back into you


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